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  • Writer's pictureLady Of The House

What Rug Made The Cut For Our Farmhouse? Easily Cleaned and Pet Friendly Farmhouse Area Rug

To say the least, I am picky. If I get a vision of how I want something thats how I want it. For our living room area I had the perfect idea on what vibe I was going for when it came to decorating. As you have saw before in previous post, our home isn't the typical all white everything farmhouse. We have used a lot of modern wood tones and neutral colors that we are hoping will withstand time and not go out of style quickly. Another big kicker when searching for a rug was that we do have our giant horse.. I mean dog... inside and he does shed some. All I could pictures in my head was a light toned rug staying covered in black dog hair. Continue reading to see what rug made the cut!

Everyones go to right now are the washable rugs. I actually got a knock of version of a washable rug in a runner from Sam's club for our kitchen. I have had it a few months and I am just not in love with it. The material it is made out of seems to attract more lint and dog hair than a normal rug. It also cannot be vacuumed, the vacuum tries to eat it! I am not saying all washable rugs are like this, but the one I have is. The washable rugs also have a bigger price tag compared to a basic rug. My thoughts were if I buy a normal rug that is cheaper and it last a long time then thats great! If I have to get rid of it in a few year, that is fine too!

side view of area rug

I buy a lot of things on Wayfair. I know years ago there were some suspicious things going on with the company but I like a good deal. When I saw the grey/black tones with some cream I fell in love! It is marketed as a stain proof and spill proof loom rug. I went with the 7'10"x10 size and its exactly what I wanted. The texture seems great and it did pass the vacuum test! I did pair it with a lightweight cushioned grippy pad underneath that my mom had given me that she had an extra of. I don't feel like its easy to budge at all. The creases have drastically changed since opening it this morning so I expect it to lay completely flat within a few days.

side view of area rug and fireplace

Performance Dark Gray Rug By Charlton Home® Rug Size: Rectangle 7'10" x 10'

new rug at front door

I also grabbed a new interior rug for our front door. Previously, I had a super cute one already there but it was SO small! I was excited to add one that was a little larger so it could handle more traffic and maybe catch a little more dirt. I am also very happy with it too! As you can see it does have a crease but like the area rug, it has slowly disappeared throughout the day. For the front door mat I did grab the

the 32x48 inch size and I honestly could have gotten one a little bigger. The Rug is Machine Washable, Anti-Slip, Stain Resistant, and all weather style. Peek of my husband fixing the drive for the tenth time this month with his new toy.

Blass Non-Slip Indoor Outdoor Door Mat

I am super happy with both rugs! I knew my living room was missing a few things to make it feel more homy, and adding a big area rug helped a lot! Easily Cleaned and Pet Friendly Farmhouse Area Rug! To me, the color matches everything perfectly. Even better, I was able to grab both of these rugs for around $250 and they were at my front door within TWO days! Maxx now has a new favorite lounging spot. Now let's just cross our fingers that it holds up well and doesn't show every spot of dirt. Thanks for reading!

XOXO Lady of the House

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